Removing adaptors

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Caution: Club building tasks can be dangerous. Use the appropriate PPE and always perform these tasks in a well ventilated area. Expert supervision is recommended for your first few attempts to avoid damage to your equipment or to yourself.

The following guide is for people without access to specific club building tools. If a shaft extractor or specialised tools are available, use them instead.

Removing a shaft adaptor is very similar to removing a shaft from a regular club head.

The first thing to do is to remove the shaft from the head so that you have access to the adaptor. Use a rubber vice clamp to secure the shaft in place without scratching the shaft. Place the adaptor a few mm from the edge of the vice so that you have something to press against to prise the adaptor off. Find a tool which can pull the top of the adaptor but fits over the shaft without scratching it (9-10mm spanner works well). Apply heat to the adaptor. Never use a naked flame on graphite, a heat gun would be the ideal tool (Blow torch is fine for steel shafts). Gradually heat up the adaptor whilst applying force to the adaptor. Do not twist the adaptor and if the shaft slides out of the clamp, it will need to be fixed tighter but be aware that excess force can crack graphite shafts. Once the adaptor is hot enough to melt the adhesive which is holding the adaptor in place (But not hot enough to melt the resin which holds the graphite together), the adaptor will slide off. Move the shaft further up the clamp to continue to be able to prise off the adaptor. Once it drops off, the adaptor and tip of the shaft will be extremely hot. Have a pot of water ready to dip the tip into and drop the adaptor in to. Use a tool or heat resistant gloves to move the adaptor. Do not touch it until it has cooled.

After this, the shaft will need cleaning up to prepare it for future use.